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About us

Transparency International, the only international non-governmental organisation devoted to combating corruption, brings civil society, business, and governments together in a powerful global coalition.

TI, through its International Secretariat and more than 80 independent national chapters around the world, works at both the national and international level to curb both the supply and demand of corruption.

In the international arena, TI raises awareness ABOUT the damaging effects of corruption, advocates policy reform, works towards the implementation of multilateral conventions and subsequently monitors compliance by governments, corporations and banks.

At the national level, chapters work to increase levels of accountability and transparency, monitoring the performance of key institutions and pressing for necessary reforms in a non-party political manner.

TI focuses on prevention and reforming systems, instead of exposing individual cases.

Transparency Serbia is non- partisan, non-governmental and non-for profit voluntary organization established with the aim of curbing corruption in Serbia.

The Organization will promote transparency and accountability of the public officials as well as curbing corruption defined as abusing of power for the private interest.
Transparency Serbia is national chapter and representative of Transparency International in Republic of Serbia.