- Development of Local Public Procurement Index LPPI
Participation of citizens in decision-making at the municipality level - MED III
Enhance civil society monitoring of the implementation of fifth round GRECO recommendations
EU4 the Rule of Law: Citizen Engagement for Public Integrity (CEPI) in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Integrity Watch in the Western Balkans and Turkey: civil society combating corruption with political integrity data
Analysis of the risk of corruption in the regulations of local self-government units
TraFiKa - Transparency of financing election campaigns 2022-2023
Strengthening Parliamentary Democracy and Inclusive Political Dialogue
National Convention on the European Union, Chapter 5 Working Group - Public Procurement and Public-Private Partnerships
Coalition prEUgovor - monitoring reforms under Chapters 23 and 24
Previous activities
- Monitoring 2020 elections
- Transparency of election campaign financing 2020
- Local transparency index - LTI 2015-2022
- COVID-19 related initiatives
Eye on public procurements and public private partnerships in Serbia
Ending Impunity For Grand Corruption In The Western Balkans And Turkey
- Improving Local Transparency Index (LTI) Scores in GAI Counterpart Local Self-Governments (LSGs)
Access to information - amendments to the Law and election of commissioner
Multi-Country Study on Budget Credibility: Using of contingency funds in Serbia 2014-2017
Raising Transparency of Local Authorities in Six Municipalities in Pcinja and Raska Counties
Improvement of Administrative Court’s role in the fight against corruption 2016
Financial investigations as a tool to fight organized crime and corruption
Corruption in focus - building media capacity and raising public attention
Law on Public-Private Partnerships and Concessions - How to Improve Anti-Corruption Potentials
Integrity plans - between corruption risk and anti-corruption practices
State aid - calculated investment or hidden corruption? 2015
Effects of the new Law on Public Enterprises – politicization or professionalization 2014
Functional system for the fight against corruption in public procurement in Serbia 2014
Public Procurement Performance Monitoring and Evaluation System 2010/2011
Strengthening the role of the Administrative Court in the fight against corruption
Reporting and accountability as an anti-corruption mechanism 2014
Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan in 2015
Implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy and Action Plan in 2014
Monitoring the implementation of the Anti-Corruption Strategy in the work of the Parliament in 2010
Monitoring of sanctions for violations of anti-corruption laws in 2014
Public hearings in the process of drafting the law 2011-2013
Monitoring proactive access to information in Serbia 2012/2013