Šta preporučuje EU?
• Finansiranje političkih stranaka (delotovorne sankcije za sve dokazane slučajeve kršenja zakona i nepodnošenja izveštaja): Ensure an effective implementation of the legislation on the control of political party financing and the financing of electoral campaigns, in particular by issuing effective sanctions in cases of failures to report and proven irregularities;
• Nezakonito bogaćenje (traži se novo i delotvorno zakonsko rešenje) : Look into an adequate legal and institutional solution to effectively address cases of illicit enrichment;
• Slobodan pristup informacijama (posebno istaknuto da se mora obezbediti o slučajevima privatizacije, javnih nabavki...): Improve the free access to information rules and their practical implementation, inter alia, with regard to information on privatisation deals, public procurement, public expenditures or donations from abroad to political parties, including as regards information considered 'sensitive';
• Depolitizacija javne uprave: Take steps to depoliticise the public administration, to strengthen its transparency and integrity, including through strengthening internal control and audit bodies;
• Zaštita uzbunjivača: Adopt and implement the new law on whistle-blowing and take the necessary steps to make the system of whistle-blower protection more effective in practice;
• Kontrola javnih nabavki: Implement measures to strengthen the control system for public procurement and monitor their effects;
• Privatizacija i javnost rada državnih preduzeća: Adopt specific measures to prevent and sanction corruption in privatisation deals and more broadly to address private sector corruption and improve the transparency and accountability of state-owned and state controlled companies;
• Nezavisne i efikasne istrage korupcije: Ensure independent, effective specialised investigation/prosecution bodies, in particular through:
o Proposing and implementing measures to strengthen the independence of all investigative and judicial bodies dealing with investigations into corruption so as to effectively protect from undue political pressure;
o Providing adequate resources (including budget, staffing and specialised training) to all investigation and judicial authorities involved in the fight against corruption;
• Puna transparentnost i odgovornost u privatizaciji: Effectively investigate all allegations of corruption in privatisation cases and ensure full transparency and accountability to avoid such cases in the future;
• Bez informacija o istragama u toku u medijima: Propose measures for law enforcement and the judiciary to prevent leaks to the media of confidential information regarding the investigations;